After spending decades on the client side of marketing and advertising, Debra Finch, formed Hexagon Media LLC to bring her knowledge and experience to small businesses across the USA. By giving our clients a fully transparent process Hexagon provides them with a strong sense of control and understanding of the digital advertising world. Whether you want to actively collaborate or simply approve elements, we make the process both turnkey and informative. After all, the more you know about your business the easier it is to grow it! Let’s work together to take your business to the next level.

Hexagon Media is committed to providing the Best Digital Advertising experience to its clients. We do this by adhering to our 6 Key Principles of Goal Setting, Targeting, Content, Results, Analytics and Transparency. Let’s look at each Key Principle separately.

Goal Setting – We work closely with our clients to determine the goals for each campaign and to set which KPI’s we will use to track those goals.

Targeting – Whether it is Social Media advertising, Google Ad Words or traditional media, Targeting is essential to a successful campaign. Hexagon Media utilizes existing client data and benchmarking to help clients determine their target audience. Once campaigns accumulate data, we will use analytics to hone the target audience further. By targeting the offer, creative and ad copy to the specific demographic the campaign is targeting, we ensure ad dollars are spent where they work the best.

Content – Content plays an integral part of a successful campaign. What types of content do your audience and customers like to look at, read and watch? Hexagon uses A B testing, look alike audiences and analytics to create content that your target audience is most likely to engage with. Great Content is current, eye catching, and informative. We monitor campaign results throughout the campaign and through AB Testing to ensure content remains fresh and effective. Weekly monitoring is essential for long term success of our digital marketing efforts. Too many media companies adopt a “Set it and Forget It” attitude, setting the campaign up for long term failure.

Results – Hexagon Media is Results driven. Our campaigns are designed to bring measurable, trackable results. Whether your goal is engagement or lead generation we are dedicated to bringing our clients the results they expect and need. We provide all of our clients access to their data at all times and monitor results in real time. This allows us to make changes during the campaign bringing better results.

Analytics – Data is the name of the game in the digital advertising world. We collect it, analyze & interpret it for each campaign. By analyzing this data we can provide our clients with recommendations on future campaigns, budgets, creative concept and potential new platforms to advertise on. We track things like gender, education level, interests, geographical location, device type and more

Transparency – Hexagon Media believes in being fully transparent with its clients when it comes to their advertising campaigns. Agencies should always provide their client’s with more than just a list of leads and calls. Information regarding budget spent, average bid amount and details about the customers that responded such as their interests, age and gender is invaluable to the client, and remains the property of the client at all times. Media companies that hide or deter their clients from accessing this information should be a red flag to avoid as they either lack the marketing expertise to interpret the analytics and make the appropriate changes in real time. With over 30 years marketing experience Hexagon Media works side by side with their clients to better understand their customers, audience and prospective buyers.